What Waterproof Connector Is Used For Solar Photovoltaic Modules-医疗行业新能源行业通讯行业工控设备机器人行业照明行业产品知识媒体报道公司新闻常见问题答疑产品基础知识连接器选型产品证书宣传资料安装视频安装流程书三维图产品规格书防水接线端子储能连接器防水接线盒数据连接器电源连接器信号连接器Waterproof Cable ConnectorEnergy Storage ConnectorJunction BoxData ConnectorSignal ConnectorPower ConnectorMedical IndustryNew Energy IndustryCommunications IndustryIndustrial Control EquipmentRobotics IndustryLighting IndustryFAQProduct BasicsConnector SelectionProduct CertificatePropagandaInstallation VideoInstallation Procedure BookThree Dimensional MapProduct SpecificationsProduct KnowledgeMediaCompany NewsPV ConnectorCable Gland

Most renewable energy facilities are installed outdoors in extreme environments and temperatures, because the basic needs of outdoor connectors are waterproof, UV resistant and can work stably in harsh temperature environments.

In the context of the increasing concern about environmental issues in countries around the world, photovoltaic power generation has emerged because of its excellent environmental characteristics and is gradually regarded as a leader in new energy.


Lock Screw Connectors, More Quick And Convenient Connection

The E-Weichat LP series 3pin power connector has a lock screw model, which is also recommended for use in photovoltaic power generation. The number of power connectors used on the photovoltaic system is large, and the use of lock screw wiring is not only fast, but also reduces the difficulty of on-site wiring.

    • Fast and Convenient

    • Customization

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